Big News

Alright, I think I'm ready to share. I was going to wait a few more days for more confirmation, but honestly I feel like all of you that follow my blog are my friends, and so if this doesn't work out then I am going to be on here crying and everything about it so I might as well just tell you, right?

In July I started feeling really ill. I was having a hard time with getting out of bed in the morning. I was also training for a 31-mile race which takes place in October, and I noticed that physically I was just falling behind.  I religiously time my runs and I could see that my paces were getting slower and slower, and in the mean time I felt like I was working harder and harder.  I never felt well; in fact I felt downright awful. I just wanted to sleep all day, or at least just lay on the couch and watch TV.

I had another symptom which made me very suspicious. My boobs hurt like nobody's business. Usually this is a sign that I am about to start my "surprise" period, I call them that because they come and go with no pattern whatsoever, anywhere between 2 and 6 times a year.  They are awful when they happen.  But after 3 weeks I told my husband I thought I might be pregnant, and if not then I needed to go to the doctor because something was very, very wrong.  Even after I said this I was hesitant to take the test. I have taken probably at least 20 pregnancy tests in my life; up to that point every single one has been negative.

August 1 he convinced me to take a pregnancy test.


So, apparently we are not just going to have our 4 adopted children (still praying for December finalization!), God is blessing us with our first biological baby, due April 4!

I don't even have to tell you how amazing and shocking and wonderful this has been. I've blogged before about our struggles with infertility, how we had tried to get pregnant with Clomid and Metformin and even though I was ovulating I just wasn't able to get pregnant. I honestly thought that there was something wrong with my uterus or something that could cause me not to be able to carry a child.  But God's timing is perfect. If I had gotten pregnant then we for sure wouldn't have the children we have now.

I went in late August for an ultrasound to date the baby; my last period had been in May so I could have been anywhere from 6 to 15 weeks along by the time I got the ultrasound.  Our baby at that time measured 7 weeks, 6 days, and her little heart was beating along at 162 beats per minute.  Now I am 10 weeks and 4 days along, and I go to the doctor this coming week to see if they can find the heartbeat with the doppler so we can hear it.  So far everything is going well, I haven't been sick at all. I am hungry all the time, I have gained at least 5 pounds, and I sleep a LOT. Like, 9 hours a night plus naps if I have time.  Needless to say I will not be doing any 31-mile races this fall, maybe next year...or the year after. ;)

Also I shall be calling the baby "her" until I have proof otherwise.  I have 3 boys and I think Miss M would like a sister! :)

So, let's talk logistics. The C-monster will turn 5 in March, and at that time Y will be 3 and M will be 2. Four kids ages 5 and under.  I am so incredibly thankful to God for giving us a nice 2.5 year gap between Miss M and this baby...the others are 15 and 16 months apart and I just couldn't have done kids that close together I don't think.  Needless to say I am praying that this baby is the calmest, most laid back, easy going baby ever in the world.

And also we are hunkering down to meet a huge savings goal so that we can buy a much larger house. Right now we are in a 3 bedroom ranch with I think 870 square feet which we also run our business out of.  We have a goal to move to a new house next summer. So yes, our goal is to be packing up a house and moving in June when we have a 2 month old baby. If I think too long about all of the logistical stuff going on I just want to cry (which I've been doing a lot of lately, by the way - can you say hormones? wow!).  I am trying hard to take each day as it comes and also trusting God to take care of this baby, because right now it is pretty much out of my hands.  God put her there and there is nothing I can do to keep her.

Psalm 127:3-5
"Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrier are children born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them."



  2. Wow! Congratulations! I have been reading your blog through google reader for the past 6 month as we have started our journey to become foster parents, sorry I haven't stopped by to say hi yet.

  3. YAY!!!! SOOOOOO happy for you!!! :-D

  4. How exciting! That's such great news!!

  5. God is so amazing! I am absolutely thrilled for you. You will all be in my prayers. Thank you God for a great deal on a home, success in saving for it, and other people to help out A LOT on this move, and thank you God for this little life. Let her be healthy and well loved. Amen.

  6. Words escape me.
    Do you remember when the four of us used to have dinner together every wednesday night? do you? Do you think those four young people we were back then would even recognize the four parents we are today? Do you think they'd even believe the stories of the things that have happened in our lives since then? I am amazed when I think of the faithfulness you two have shown to the Lord's calling in your lives, even through difficult and heartbreaking circumstances, and the ways in which the Lord has blessed you through it all. Wow!

  7. Congratulations!

    On the move plan...I have moved with a 10-day old and (at another time) with kids aged 2, 5, and 7. Moving with the baby was by far the easiest. Babies stay where you put them! :)

  8. you TOTALLY made my day- no, WEEK with this post!! AH!
    And I haven't announced it on my blog but I have to share- we're due April 24th :) So we'll be seeing each other at Milkworks quite a bit in about...7 months? ;)
    Also, have you told the kids?

    Also, AHHHHHHHH!!!!

    1. Congrats to you Kim! And yes, I will surely be there seeing as how I am completely clueless about most things involving biological children. The thought of having a white baby is just plain old weird! :)

  9. Congratulations to your family!! Wonderful news on the heels of your foster/adoption journey. -laurie

  10. Congratulations!!! God is so good!! Your story is almost exactly like mine! We have had 3 kids for a year and eight months and tried for a baby for 10 years without any luck! In Feb. I got a big fat positive!!! We sign adoption papers on Oct. 4th and the baby is due on Nov. 5th! Praying for you and your miracle kids!!!

  11. I can't put words to my joy and happiness for you honey! You are such a great mom - and now you'll have one more little one to be a mom to. God never ceases to amaze me! Our family is growing by leaps and bounds...I love that! And I love you!

  12. I LOVE how you put this - God's timing is perfect because you for sure wouldn't have your other kids if He'd given you a bio baby first. JOY!!

  13. I just read this and I can't tell you how excited I am for you. God is great!!!

  14. This is amazing. Congrats. As a foster parent who hopes to one day be pregnant, it's inspiring.

  15. This is amazing. Congrats. As a foster parent who hopes to one day be pregnant, it's inspiring.

  16. That is awesome...going from no children to 5 children within 3 years! You are blessed! Btw, we moved with 3 children when my youngest was 6 weeks old and it wasn't that bad. Hard to find time to organize everything, but I did most of the packing before she arrived.

    Shanna (know about your blog through BBC, thanks for inviting me to share parts of your journey).


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