The latest

So much to say! I'll do bullet points here at first.

1. The state didn't ask bio dad if they could share information with us; apparently the only children that he has that are adopted are ours. So, they could not do it anonymously. We decided that at this time we'll let sleeping dogs lie. He has not reached out to us in any way since his rights were terminated in 2012. We are easy to find, even if he was unsure of our names he could ask bio mom's family since he is still connected with them.  Kids haven't been asking about him as much so I guess we will just hang on here.

2. Jolene (aka big kid's bio mom - not her real name obviously) met up with us in December for her bi-annual visit with the kids. I thought it went really well.  She won't tell me what she is doing, if she's going to school or etc. so that's a little weird. She said she thought she'll be judged on that information, which...yeah, I mean, kinda?  During the visit she said something about "our" bank account (meaning, her and another person) but never said anything besides that about her personal life at all. She brought lots of presents for the kids, which they appreciated. She bought me a stuffed animal (really odd, I know...but it's the thought that counts? Maybe?), and all the kids were fighting over it. A few days after the visit she asked if I could come pick up stuffed animals so she didn't have to mail them, and that she had gotten each of the kids their own. So that was nice. When I got there she just said "Here" and gave me the bag, and shut the door! She was wearing a bunch of makeup, which is really not like the way she has been.  D came and visited us tonight and told us that his bio mom has gone lesbian "again".  I feel like she's this shell of a person, trying on different lifestyles to see what fits. Just in the past 2 years she's been the super Christian girl, the all natural/homeopathic girl, and now lesbian girl.  So, I don't know what to think, really. She has stopped talking to me completely.

3. Back to Peanut's old foster mom, who I have talked about before. Haven't heard from her since August/Sept of 2017, when she asked if she could take him for the weekend and we said no but invited her to his birthday party, and she didn't come. She asked hubby's parents if she could see Peanut over Christmas...they told her, you need to talk to his parents! A few weeks later she contacted me and asked if she could see him  and give him some presents. I said she can come over to our house for a little while.  So, last Sunday she did come over.  Basically, long story short, she is a very nice lady. However. She a) took pictures of all the kids without hubby and I knowing, b)asked hubby's mom if she could share them on Facebook, to which she asked us, and we replied NO, and c) put a picture of her and Peanut on her PROFILE PICTURE ON FACEBOOK. Yeah. So, a) being sneaky, and b)not respecting boundaries. She wants to have a relationship with us and keep coming around because Peanut is so important to her but...really? REALLY? Ugh. It's terrible.

4. Miss M has started therapy. I have a lot to say about this but no time at the moment. I'm so thankful we are doing it though!

OK that is all for today. Maybe I'll post again before 3 more months have passed!


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