Messages from bio mom
Well, bio mom has come back out of the woodwork. Sounds like she is doing OK. We chatted on Facebook (sort of), now she has requested to be my friend on Facebook which I'm trying to figure out if it is a good idea or not. Long story short, she's pretty upset that D won't respond to her on Facebook. I know he reads her messages, but he never writes back. The first message she wrote to me she said "If I can help it I will steer clear of nebraske so they can be happy with y'all and not confused about the black lady in there face 2hours a year" the third message she said "Can we maybe come up with something in the next year that's maybe fun and entertaining for a little while longer than 2 hours and go from there maybe once a year." She is still very concerned with herself, with how the kids think about her, if she is strong enough to see them, etc. She wants to Skype with the little ones. I haven't answered her back yet because I...