Lost mail

So, this blog has almost turned into just a place to vent, and to work things out. I am sort of sorry but, then again, this is my blog and I guess if it's not the one place I can share my feelings and what is going on then there isn't any place!

Big kids' bio mom wanted to make Miss M a cake for her birthday. Now I don't know if you remember, several months ago Miss M wrote her a letter. I guess she moved, so it didn't get to her, but it also never came back to us. About a month ago bio mom asked me for our address so she could write back.  I gave it to her but we never got anything in the mail. I figured she forgot, or didn't have money for stamps, or something.

She sent me an email last night saying that she sent one big envelope in the mail for Miss M, since M wrote her a letter, but that she sent all the other kids letters too, in a different envelope. She sent me a picture of the envelope for Miss M because it came back to her. She had written the wrong address on it.

She also didn't write M's last name on it. Which is our last name, and she does know this.

She wants me to drive to her house to pick up the letter, and drive to her house again in a few days to pick up the cake. Said birthday is in 5 days.  Said house is a good 20 minutes one way, more with traffic most likely.

I'm irritated because a) she didn't put M's last name on the envelope (whyyyy), b) she wrote the other kids letters but put them in a different envelope because they didn't write to her (??? this is what she actually said). Apparently the envelope to Miss M required extra postage so I'm guessing there is more in there than just a letter. Anyway, then c) she asked me again to come pick up the letter, even though I nicely said I'd just get it when I got the cake.

I don't think it's right to show favoritism in this way. Am I wrong for this? Like...if you write me a letter, you get a nicer letter and nicer things/presents, but if you don't then you don't? I don't know. We will see what is in the letters. I will be opening them ahead of time, because that's how I roll, and I don't like that kind of surprises.

Anyway, that is all I have for now. Last night Peanut was going around giving out kisses like candy, and it was sooo adorable. He kissed Miss M and she said "Eww! It's all toothy and slobbery like Claire's used to be!" LOL exactly right, my dear, and just like Miss M's used to be too! :)


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