Crystals, and a clash of belief systems

I picked up Miss M's cake today. I also picked up the letter her bio mom write. It was pretty innocuous, nothing weird at all in the contents.

It looks like the reason it was so expensive to mail was because there were rocks in the envelope.  I know that bio mom believes that rocks have powers.  She didn't mention the "powers" of said rocks in the letter.

I am just not sure how to handle this! I think that the "properties" of these rocks meant something, and this is why she sent these particular ones. Specifically, she sent black tourmaline, which isn't even a cool looking rock...but it is supposed to do all kinds of things (thanks, Google!). Included also were crystal quartz, which is supposed to pair with black tourmaline to do something, and pyrite.  Also I know she's studying this in school (or was, not sure if she still attends) so I'm not just pulling this out of my butt!

So now I'm trying to figure out - do we explain to Miss M that bio mom believes weird things about these rocks, but that we don't believe that because of XYZ? Or just ignore it for now, and wait until/if it comes up?  Bio mom did bring crystals to the last visit so I don't really think this is a one off thing.

I love rocks, I think they are super cool and I liked to collect them when I was little. Pretty sure we have a fair amount of the crystal quartz and pyrite in the house right now, because they are pretty and I got some rocks for the kids to look at with microscopes/magnifying glasses.  But I didn't believe they had any powers.  So, I don't know. I'm guessing we'll just go with the "wait and explain later if it comes up" plan.

What do you guys think?


  1. Totally weird. Not a new trend in thinking but hate to see you all having to deal with that crazy stuff. I know you guys will handle it well. There's so many things I could say right now, but none of them are very kind.


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