Don't stop believing!

A few random bits of info:

1. Claire is basically potty trained!  Yay!  It was rough going there for a while, and she still poops in her pants more often than I'd like to admit. But #1 is going pretty well, for the most part.  I gave up on Peanut. He pees on the potty when you put him on (or when he puts himself on it, which he still does from time to time!) it's just that he pees a lot of other times too.  So maybe we will try again in a few months.  One out of 2 ain't bad, and he's pretty young yet!

2.  Peanut's bio mom...I'm a little bit worried about her. She is posting stuff on FB like she still has him. She was having a public conversation with someone and then she said "I have to go, my son is tired and crying". Yeah...he was at home, OUR home, sound asleep in his bed.  She's posted other things about how he misses his dad, and she is so thankful she has him.  I want to call her out on it but feel like it might not be wise.  I really wonder if mentally she is having some sort of break down.  It's pretty sad.

3. The big kids' bio mom asked if she can bake Miss M a cake for her birthday. She is still not really talking to me. I just think this is so dang weird.  We will tell her that she can...I just really don't know what to think about her. I'm afraid she's going back to her old ways but it's hard to say considering we only speak a sentence or two to eachother every month or two.

4.  Our oldest has come over a bunch of times in the past few weeks. Last week he randomly showed up to dinner, thankfully I had made a lot of food that day ;)  Then we invited him to come to our small group to meet our friends...and he showed up! And stayed and chatted for quite a while!  A year ago he would never ever have darkened the door. I told Brian, we're seeing him more now that he's back from boot camp than we did even when he lived with us!  I can't remember if I posted that he's calling us mom and dad now. It's pretty crazy.  Just reinforcing that no matter how hard things get, there is always hope!  :)

OK Now I have to get back to work. I have so much stuff to do. This is a crazy life!


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