First lessons

These are the things I learned today:

1. When it is dinner time, and you are the only parent, and the toddler is fussy and following you around like a little shadow, the best course of action is to give him food in his little high chair, then you can keep an eye on him while he is eating AND you can cook dinner at the same time! I did not do this today, unfortunately. But I shall do this tomorrow. :)

2. When it is bed time, it really does make a big difference if you can spend a few minutes just holding, cuddling and hanging out with the baby. Don't just put him in the crib with the bottle. I'm proud to announce that tonight he slept bottle free, and only cried for maybe 2 minutes after I put him down. Huge improvement over last time when he cried for about 30 minutes. Yay!

I know, I know, many of you probably could have told me these things. I learn things the hard way better sometimes.

I never imagined how hard this baby would sleep. Can you believe that I washed dishes, the front door slammed at least once, and the dogs are playing (loudly!) and the baby is still sleeping? Incredible. Although it makes me kind of I shall go check and make sure he is breathing. :o)

Today we went to Melissa's house to play with little Levi and Teagan. A good time was had by all. Y would like to publicly thank Melissa and all of the other mommies who have contributed to his toy pile at our house. Now he is rollin' in style like a real baby. Plus also thanks for the new much more roomy carseat, and the high chair/booster (which the tray is much easier to get off and on and cleaned). You guys are all completely awesome.

It is looking like we might be getting the boys officially placed with us tomorrow. They go to court tomorrow morning (or at least, their case goes to court) and it depends on what the judge says. I want to go see the proceedings but I'm not sure if I'll be able to since I'll have Y with me. So...yay! I'm excited. Then sometime on Friday we are getting their other brother, 2 year old C, for respite care. I need to call his foster mom tomorrow and set everything up. This is going to be quite the adventure.

Sunday we will be taking them all to church. I work in the 2 year old room so I will keep C with me. But it got me thinking...I'm going to go to church to help with the 2 year olds, in the mean time I have a 2 year old in that class, a 1 year old in the crawlers room, and a 6th grader that will also be in class. Is this defeating the purpose of me going to assist in the 2's room? Like, technically I am making the ratio of kids to teachers higher just by showing up! Ha! Oh well!


  1. I have HUGE accolades to send your way! Although "nontraditional", you are a GREAT "mother". And you should know that we all learn things the hard way. I personally feel like I learn a new thing (the hard way) every single day. Learning through doing, I guess.

    Sure had fun with you, Y, Rachael and Teague yesterday! See you later on this morning!


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