Clear out of left field!

Just another update, though again there isn't a whole lot to update about.

Last week our FSW told us that she had missed a Law Violation Check that had to be run on us. I have no idea what that is, but apparently it is different than a background check. So now we have the background check done...and are waiting on the LVC. This was something that she had initially overlooked, and needless to say my husband and I are absolutely thrilled about this. :( Obviously, we are still not licensed. We were also supposed to do respite care for two little girls this weekend, but we can't now because we don't have those checks done. This absolutely floors me, considering we have done respite care on at least 6 or 7, probably more, occasions with no issue at all. It's all very confusing.

The boys' older brother is now living with their aunt. I guess they are wanting to see if she can control him before they let the other two boys come and live with her too. More and more it's looking like they are going to go with her, but when I talked to the FSW yesterday she said they were going to give it a few weeks and see what happens.

Then this morning I got a phone call from somebody at the foster care agency. She asked if we would considering being a placement for a 1 year old, and 11 year old, and possibly their 2 year old sibling as well. What the?? She said she had talked to our FSW and our FSW thought we would be a good placement for them. I kind of explained to her what was going on with C & Y and that I thought we were waiting to find out if they were going to go live with their aunt or not, and if not they were going to come live with us. Plus we just don't feel comfortable at all at this point saying if we will or won't take any kids considering we aren't even licensed. I feel like we are just being put through the wringer here and it is very confusing and frustrating. She apparently had no idea about the situation with the two boys, but said she will follow up on it and try to come to a resolution. I think we are willing to consider being a placement for all three kids but would have to give it a trial run first, IF and only if the other boys aren't going to be coming back. Sheesh, what a mess!

I volunteered at the boys' school yesterday for their end of year fun day. I got to talk to each of the boys for a few minutes. The older one came up and tapped me on the shoulder and said "You're Brynn, right? From Brian and Brynn?" It was pretty hilarious. The younger one asked me if Brian was going to be there, then he asked if they were going to come back to our house again. Heart wrenching, to say the least. I told him that I hoped so, but I wasn't sure. :(

So that is that, for now at least.


  1. Oh Brynnie - My heart just breaks for you and for those 2 boys. I know God has a plan - I just hope your FSW is messing it up :)

    Love you honey!


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