good stuff

Now for some good stuff.

Ben is breathing 100% on his own. He is doing way better than "average". He amazes me every day!

He is eating 14 ccs every 3 hours. I am making 18 to 20 ccs every 2 to 3 hours, so I am keeping up with him.

He is up to 2 lbs, 10 oz after loosing 8 oz his first few days of life. He will hopefully have his iv removed within the next few days.

He receives food through a tube to his belly (called an OG tube). He will hopefully start nursing in the next 2 to 4 weeks and at that time they will run the tube through his nose (NG tube) so that it doesn't get in the way when he is trying to suck.

Look Ma, no cannula!

He has made a lot of headway and at this point we are just waiting for him to get bigger and stronger so that he can start learning to eat on his own.

The nurses are always so impressed with Ben. I am so thankful he is in such a great NICU with such knowledgeable staff. There is just so much to be thankful for!


  1. My foster son was born at 29 weeks... he was on O2 until he was 6 months old, but he's 9 months now and perfectly healthy!
    How I wish my own premature birth had been at 29 weeks... sadly it was two soon and my daughter didn't make it.

  2. He looks great!! Will continue to pray for him to get stronger and stronger.


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