
-If cleaning my house makes me out of breath, does that mean I don't have to do it anymore? Ha ha ha ha!

-Wrestled with God this morning.  Sometimes you just have days that get started on the totally wrong foot and it takes some time with Him to get it back on track. Today was totally one of those days.

-My sister is in town, and it is really fun that we are at basically the same point in our pregnancies.  I'm glad to not be the only one feeling rather awkward about now. I know, I know, the best is yet to come. :)

-We are looking into putting an egress window in our basement, moving D down there, and then moving one of the three children (probably Miss M) into D's current room...or I guess, she will stay in whichever of the two rooms is smaller and the boys will share the other one. Then we will maybe rent an office space to work out of, since we currently work out of the basement. Maybe. It is just getting out of hand with her waking up and yelling/screaming, waking everybody else up, and yeah.  I don't know how one little girl can be so adorable and yet so naughty!  The time until we move (assuming we can sell our house and find one that is big enough that we can afford!) seems to stretch on until forever, although in actuality it is not that long.

That is all! Back to work!


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