Adoption day!

Our attorney FINALLY received our adoption packet yesterday.  Her assistant called today to go over some details.

First, nobody ever filed anything for D's dad to give him notice.  I am shocked. That was sarcasm, FYI. I'm pretty sure I started asking about this back in, what, July? June, maybe?  Now here we are, October 26, one month away from our hoped-for adoption date, and it is still not done.

So basically the paralegal said she did a bunch of research on D's bio dad, found his last known address in his juvenile court records, and that unless she can find anything else then she will publish in that city. She has to publish a notice to him once a week for 3 weeks, then he has 5 business days from the last notice to file a petition contesting the adoption. Then if he doesn't do that, she will have to file a notice of what they did and that he never contested, and THEN the adoption can go through. Because of the Thanksgiving holiday we are cutting things a little short here, but...

...she got us on the docket for December 1!  Whoop whoop! She said when it gets closer we will be given a specific time.  I'm starting to think maybe doing the party on a different day would be best for planning purposes.  Like maybe doing it on December 2 or something.  I don't know, we'll just have to see I guess. If our adoption time frame happens to be during nap time, then being around a bunch of people afterwards will basically be a nightmare for 2 of our 4 children. And for us. Ha ha!  :)

Anyway. She also asked for the kids' adopted names so I got to tell them to her. I am so glad we already got that sorted out!  D will keep his current last name as a second middle name and have our last name, C will have David as his middle name, Y will have Gabriel as his middle name, and M will have Marie as her middle name (of course!).

I think that's basically it. The end is in sight! Sort of. :)


  1. That's wonderful that you have a date! It would be disappointing if there wasn't some drama attached to it, right? ;)


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