Hunger Games

D was the first in the family to read these totally rad books. He told me I should read them. I was all "hmmm, let me think, would I like the same book a 12 year old would like? NO!" Then my brother told me to read them, so I downloaded them on my Nook. I read all three books in 3 days. For realz. Then I re-read them all in another week.

Tomorrow we are getting respite for the little boys and taking D to a Japanese steakhouse for dinner and to the Hunger Games movie! We bought tickets online so we will for sure get in. I am pretty excited. Mostly about the movie, really. The whole Japanese steakhouse thing is not my fav, but I bet D will like it. He has never been to one before.

Y asked this morning where M was when he woke up. I told her she was at her FM's house and he was not very happy! He said he wanted her to sleep at our house. I think that's pretty sweet. She was over until about 7:00 last night and we Skyped with my mom which was pretty fun. I have a pretty nice mom. :)

My husband picked up our new vanity last night and it looks pretty good! It's a little dated but it came with a really nice faucet and the countertop looks really nice, for the low low price of $40. We gave the guy $5 extra because we didn't have change for a $20. Ha! I'm going back and forth between painting it white or painting it black/very dark grey. The countertop is white and off-white swirly marble. I'm thinking the darker color will hide more imperfections and also bring the piece into this decade, but I just don't know.

We also I think have picked our carpet. They are coming out to measure tomorrow. So basically next week I am going to try to finish up ALL the painting in the house so that I don't have to paint after we get the new carpet. Trying to mitigate disaster a little bit here!

The end!


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