I love you!

I think tonight is the first time C has said "I love you!" to me without me saying it first. It melts my little heart and almost made me cry. He can be so sweet sometimes.

At court D did get an additional overnight visit, so this weekend he was gone for three nights! He came home tonight with a pretty bad attitude. I'm sure it's difficult to come back here after being with his mom for 3 days straight. Plus he is probably tired, I'm just guessing!

M is walking. I had no idea, until I glanced at her as I was getting her breakfast ready this morning and she was taking a few very wobbly steps towards me with outstretched arms! Oh she is SO CUTE. I just love her so much! She slept for about an hour this morning, but I still got to hang out with her for an hour or so. Wish I could see her more but she is a busy girl these days with 3 overnight visits with her mom!

I have less than 100 miles to run until I reach 1,000 miles for the year. I am excited!

Oh also, kind of random but I downloaded this Bible app on my phone. I have pretty much been using it to read the Bible with lately, but I had no idea until today that there are a bunch of free Bible reading plans/devotionals. So I started doing one on parenting and also one about foster care. They are really neat because they check off each day as you do them and so it saves your place for you. There is not much actual Bible reading so I might start doing one that is more actual Bible time - they have several different ones where you can read the Bible in a year either chronologically, front to back, or all mixed up. It's hard to know what is the "right" amount to do each day. Not "right" as in "what do I have to do to be good enough" but "right" as in "what is going to be enough to keep me learning but not so much that it goes in one ear and out the other?"


  1. I'm going to do a through the Bible plan this year - but only read the NT and Psalms/Proverbs portion of it. I have a couple of other devotionals I read as well - and I don't want the "in one ear and out the other" to happen to me either. So no OT reading for me except the Psalms and Proverbs. And I love it that C said that to you - makes me want to cry... Love you!


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