Alright, I think I'm ready to share. I was going to wait a few more days for more confirmation, but honestly I feel like all of you that follow my blog are my friends, and so if this doesn't work out then I am going to be on here crying and everything about it so I might as well just tell you, right? In July I started feeling really ill. I was having a hard time with getting out of bed in the morning. I was also training for a 31-mile race which takes place in October, and I noticed that physically I was just falling behind. I religiously time my runs and I could see that my paces were getting slower and slower, and in the mean time I felt like I was working harder and harder. I never felt well; in fact I felt downright awful. I just wanted to sleep all day, or at least just lay on the couch and watch TV. I had another symptom which made me very suspicious. My boobs hurt like nobody's business. Usually this is a sign that I am about to start my "surprise" pe...
In the spirit of this being my blog, and knowing that if anything were to happen I'd be blogging about it, I am sharing my news. So, several weeks ago I started feeling sick. We have been so lucky this year, we really haven't been sick at all which is really saying something considering the number of people who live in this house. I figured we were due, and wasn't too worried about it. You already know where this is going don't you!?!?!? A few weeks later, I really wasn't feeling any better. Suspicious, I took a pregnancy test. Positive! What??!?!??! Yeah. Ben is 13 months old today, and I am 8 weeks, 4 days pregnant. Due September 25. I am still nursing Ben at least 6 times a day, sometimes as much as 8 times. Apparently I have become Miss Fertile at some point over the last 2 years, after about 5 years of being Miss Infertile. There have been some moments of panicking, like when I called my mom because I was so scared to tell Brian because I thought ...
Before I worry all of you, I want to let you know that at 5:24 a.m. on Thursday, January 17th, I gave birth to a 3 pound baby boy. He is healthy and doing awesome so far. I was exactly 29 weeks into my pregnancy. This is my birth story. The evening of the 15/16th I was having some contractions. Nothing too crazy though. The morning of the 16th I complained to Brian that every time I moved in bed I had a contraction. After what happened last week (having contractions, went to L&D, nothing was wrong) I just assumed it was basically the same. The 16th was my 30th birthday. I felt pretty crappy all day. I assumed I was either starting to get sick (since my 3 little ones had been sick) or else that my body was working hard to fight off the sickness. I went to the Social Security Office to request new SS cards for the kids, came home and took a nap, and swept and mopped the kitchen floor. That was pretty much all I did, other than making dinner and general kid ta...
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