Good stuff

Because this blog has been entirely too depressing lately!

Saturday we went to a race as a family. Even one of our dogs came! My husband and D ran the 1-mile race, and my husband pushed the little boys in the jogging stroller. I ran the 5K with our dog.

D took 2nd place overall, with a time of 7:32! That was pretty awesome. I was going to take 2nd place for the women, but our dog decided she needed to poop about 1/4 mile from the finish line. Six women passed me while I waited for her to get done. :( Oh well! This was my first 5K (even though I've run 2 marathons and several other distance races). Now I am waiting for the next 5K to arrive so I can run it solo and get some revenge! :)

Yesterday was BEAUTIFUL outside, so I took the little boys for a run (them in the stroller, of course) and we went to the lake and played at the park. I have the spring itch officially. We have about 1 week left of nice weather, then back to highs in the 30's...but April has to arrive eventually!

I think I am going to involve them in my garden this year. I'm not sure how much they will understand, but it will be fun! I think. :) I am going to have them plant some of my seeds I think and maybe C can help me water them. I also asked D to pick something he wanted to plant. He still thinks he is going to be home soon and so he is reluctant to choose...I hate to break it to him but it doesn't look very likely that he is going to be home anytime soon. This case is moving backwards, not forwards. :(

But I think D is going to build me a little teepee to shelter my plants from the cold. It's in this Science Crafts book he has, so I think he's excited about it. I am excited too because I can actually use something like that, and it will help keep him busy! Which is always a good thing.

I organized our pantry this weekend, and have come to the conclusion that I NEED TO STOP BUYING FOOD. Seriously. If we got snowed in or something we could probably survive for a month on all of the dried goods, pasta, cereal, canned foods, and frozen meats, beans, etc. that we have. So I am going to try to stop buying stuff, and just get fresh ingredients or stuff that we are actually OUT of when I go to the more stocking up! At least for a while.

Thursday we got our first order from the coop! We bought ground beef, organic onions, organic red wheat flour, quinoa, and varying cuts of meat for the dogs (lamb liver, beef heart, oxtail, etc.). The dog's meat was actually cheaper than what you can buy it for at the store, and the animals are raised much more humanely so it's a win/win! We haven't tried any of the ground beef yet but it's supposed to be really lean, so we'll see how it is.

That's it. I think. :)


  1. I'd say it's been 3-5 weeks since I've bought anything aside from produce and dairy at the store - we have so much stockpiled it isn't even funny - It's amazing how little you spend at the grocery store when all you're getting are fresh, unprocessed ingredients.

    Awesome about the co-op. I haven't toured their site in over a year, so I should probably go and do that, and see if there's anything we could fit into our budget.

  2. Haha, Brad calls that inventory management. :)

  3. And great job to you and D on the run!!


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