Not Me Monday

My husband pretty much demanded that I do this post. And he is baking bread,and finishing up the last of the dishwashing for me, so I guess I better appease him! :)

Today, my 19-month-old did not nap from 8:00 to 10:30, and from 3:00 to 5:00, and still make it in bed by 8:00 p.m. What kind of a toddler takes nearly five hours worth of naps in one day???

Also, the two year old did not nap from 9:00 until 12:30. Again...what kind of a two-year-old takes nearly four hours worth of naps in one day?

And speaking of that, what kind of adult would let her children take naps at such random times? And THEN proceed to let them play with play-doh during their actual nap time?

I definitely did not have a two-year-old sitting on the potty trying to poop for approximately 2 or 3 three hours today...and he did not, then, proceed to poop in his booster seat during dinner, resulting in a large splat of poop going on the floor in the kitchen when he announced "I'm pooping!" and I pulled down his undies in a hurry to try to get him to the potty prior to the poop exodus.

I definitely did not get the sudden urge to organize the little boys' clothes at 6:30 p.m. for what was probably the fourth time since they moved in. I would clearly plan in advance and have a strategy laid out and honestly, is it really necessary to spend so much time organizing clothes? They don't grow THAT fast, do they? Oh wait...yes, yes they do.

I did not wax nostalgic when putting away all the cute little onesies that will no longer fit little Y. It's so silly to get attached to clothes - I mean really, it's just clothes! (but even if they did fit him, he just seems too old to wear them now! Waaaaah!)

I definitely did not take my little dog on a 6.6 mile run, fully expecting her to be totally exhausted the rest of the day. And after the run my dear little pistol napped...for like 30 minutes, and then was a holy terror again. On this run she definitely did not proceed to poop TWO times, and even if she would have, I definitely always keep two poop bags with me...clearly, it is better to be safe then sorry when planning on poop bags. Therefore the second time she pooped, I definitely did not leave it alongside the trail in the snow. That would just be rude.

We did not watch Food, Inc. on Friday night...and then purchase a membership to the local food coop the very next day. It did not take one movie to change me from a person who is reluctant to spend more than $3 per pound on any kind of meat (but preferably less than $1.50 per pound) to a person who is more than willing to pay $5 per pound for quality, grass (or non GMO) fed, horomone and antibiotic free meat.

And as always, there are many more things but I just can't own up to them right now. ;)


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