
Well our SC called yesterday and said "I need to come out and talk to you guys." I asked if the kids needed to be there and he said no. So that's kinda weird...normally he really only cares about seeing the kids. He is coming out today so I'm interested to see what he says.

Also court is next Friday and, barring any unforeseen circumstances, I am going to be able to go! I am excited but also nervous.

D has a band concert coming up. He has said several times that he doesn't want us to go. Last night he finally said "All my good memories are from when I was in foster care. I don't want to look back at my first band concert and say 'Yeah, my foster parents were there.'" I asked him why that would be a bad thing and he didn't respond. We are still going of course. His mom has never said if she is going or not...I'd hate for him not to have someone there.

C is supposed to have a program at church this Sunday but I think I am just not going to take him. He's only 2, he'll never know. I took him to visit my mom at work and he was afraid to go inside. He was shutting his eyes and crying. Poor guy. I hope this is just a phase with him. Anyway I just don't want his fears to interrupt the whole service. He can cry really loudly when he wants to!

Anyway...time for this baby to eat! :)


  1. Very interested in what the SC has to say - Keep me posted! And yes, as long as one of our "four-under-three" doesn't fall horribly ill, you shall indeed be at that court date. Here's hoping!

  2. ditto to Melissa! I'm dying to know!


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