On fabulous people

I have met many fabulous people in my life. I have had some awesome teachers, awesome family members, etc. I have been really blessed to meet all of the people that I have met and to have been a part of their lives.

Well yesterday I added someone to the list. Her name is Betty and she and her husband have done foster care for 30 years. Our friends that typically do respite for us were already booked for this weekend, so I asked our CEDARS worker to find someone for us. So, she found these folks. They live an hour away (yikes!) in a small town.

The first thing that happened when we arrived was that a young child ran out the door to greet us along with Betty. The child went into the house ahead of us and Betty said "He was excited because the kids are black!" He was black too so I guess it kind of makes sense. :) Turns out he was six years old and called Betty "Mom" so I assume he was adopted.

They had at least 5 kids living there that I could see. One was in a wheel chair and wasn't able to talk (though he WAS able to laugh at C playing with a helium Spider Man balloon!). Betty told me that child was also 6 years old and had been shaken as a baby. Talk about heart breaking. I almost started crying on the spot but was able to contain myself until I got in the car. The difference between the two six year olds is incredible to say the least.

I took C back to the bedroom where the boys were staying and Y was in the living room and started crying when I walked out. Betty made the comment that they are already starting to attach which made me feel even WORSE for leaving them (but I know it's good to have breaks!). Anyway the bedroom that the boys were staying in had three beds and a crib, all decorated with Spider Man stuff. Even the crib had Spider Man blankets! Spider Man was on the walls, the curtains...it was pretty cool. :) C loves Spider Man. All three of our boys get to stay in the same bedroom so that is nice. Anyway I put C down so he could play with the toys in the bedroom and tried to kind of sneak out...and then both he and Y started crying before I made it to the door. I am torn on if I should tell C goodbye or not because honestly he freaks out about stuff like that. But I feel bad not telling him goodbye too! So I don't know. I hope they are having a good time. The house is so quiet without them.

Anyway one of my friends' husbands bought her a gift certificate to a nail salon for her birthday and she wanted me to go with her...so I got a free pedicure last night! It was pretty awesome. My feet are SO much nicer looking. :) And then I went for a late night dog-walking excursion with my husband. We can never go anywhere together anymore without bringing all the kids so it was kind of nice to be able to do that. :)


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