Infertility Awareness Week
Well, apparently it is Infertility Awareness Week. I am infertile. There, I said it! Apparently, so are about 1 in 10 couples. We have tried to get pregnant, but it didn't work. We opted not to go the route of invitro, so we haven't tried all that we could try. I don't think there is anything wrong with invitro, but it just felt too invasive, too expensive, too risky for my heart to get my hopes up so high and then have the possibility of it not "working". Going through fertility treatment was very emotionally and physically draining. It is not something I wish personally to pursue ever again, although if it meant a lot to my husband I would at least consider pursuing it again. I thought this blog was very insightful with a lot of the same feelings that I have: Several people have said to me "As soon as you adopt, you'll get pregnant!" ...Maybe, I guess, but if it hasn'...